Enhorabuena a
Lorena Álvarez, Rebeca Pacheco y Aurora Rejo, alumnas de 1º de Bachillerato, por el
segundo premio obtenido en el VIII concurso de proyectos empresariales organizado por el Ayuntamiento de Gijón.

La entrega de premios se realizó el 30 de Junio de 2011
From working all over hell and back doing power line work I DID pick up a lot of denferift saying This is one of them Do Gooders Most all of us have done some kind of good things in life Do Gooders is really a nasty way of saying people doing good So Do Gooders need a warm hand shake & big hug to show the thanks to them .No names LOL Just to many to name I saw what Greater San Carlos did for these flood people with money, 1000,s of man hours and tons of love given to so many people that were down and out a new start Gely has second family out in San Jose and they thanked her Because they knew she was with a Gringo So this Gringo Larry St.Onge wants to thank all the people who gave their $$$ and long hours T.Y Ja
ResponderEliminarNo entiendo que un prargoma tan bueno no lo pongan mas temprano para que la gente pueda disfrutar. Sin embargo todos los prargomas estupidos y sin sentido siempren tienen los mejores horarios. A ver si alguna vez le dan lugar a prargomas que valen la pena por favor.